
Showing posts from February, 2018

alex final piece

g enre is how a film is categorized according to elements of the film. some examples of film genres are comedy the intended effect is to make the audience laugh and there is no specific narrative structure because there are so many sub-genres the iconography of a comedy is outlandish characters props such as  banana pales and water pistols are typically used in the slapstick sub-genre where as a spy movie such as the kingsmen movies they would be wearing tuxes and have things like spy gadgets like the knife shoe or their  magic umbrella in horror you would expect blood and spooky scenes and jump scares the characters would wear scary costumes or wigs they would take place on halloween or in a haunted/ abandoned house. some genres have typical character types such as in the horror genre Stereotypical Characters in horror films are. hero, pretty much always a male character of strong, masculine build. Although he is the ‘hero’, there aren’t many horror films where the g