
Showing posts from November, 2017

shot list

flash - creepy SFX FASH man peering in to bathroom mirror 1.ECU - prot waking up - eyes ECU - clock displaying 9:47 - camera does fast cut back to shot above ECU - alarm clock - for use in flashes CU - prot head turns to clock - cuts to below fast 2.MS - springs out of bed prot looking panicked  - camera at the end of bed CU - prot face panicked - camera still on tripod 3.CP - pan - prot getting out of be in a tracksuit - camera by door ECU - prot phone gets pulled of charge 4.MS - prot getting shoes 5.CP - prot putting shoes on CP - prot putting on shoes - side shot of prot slipping on his shoes CP - prot putting on shoes - camera on the floor looking up at prot putting on shoes 6.MLS - Tracking - prot walking down corridor to wards turn - camera in front walking backwards 7. as above but from behind MLS - have the camera diagonal pointing down the hall as person walks towards camera. 8.MLS - prot turns corner and walks - tripod 9.MS - prot walks