shot list

flash - creepy SFX

FASH man peering in to bathroom mirror

1.ECU - prot waking up - eyes

ECU - clock displaying 9:47 - camera does fast cut back to shot above

ECU - alarm clock - for use in flashes

CU - prot head turns to clock - cuts to below fast

2.MS - springs out of bed prot looking panicked  - camera at the end of bed

CU - prot face panicked - camera still on tripod

3.CP - pan - prot getting out of be in a tracksuit - camera by door

ECU - prot phone gets pulled of charge

4.MS - prot getting shoes

5.CP - prot putting shoes on

CP - prot putting on shoes - side shot of prot slipping on his shoes

CP - prot putting on shoes - camera on the floor looking up at prot putting on shoes

6.MLS - Tracking - prot walking down corridor to wards turn - camera in front walking backwards

7. as above but from behind

MLS - have the camera diagonal pointing down the hall as person walks towards camera.

8.MLS - prot turns corner and walks - tripod

9.MS - prot walks in bathroom - tripod

MS - camera behind prot as they walk in bathroom

ECU - prot eye - for use in opening flashes

CU - prot turning tap

CU - prot face

CU - prot rubbing hands under tap

CU - prot splashing water on his face

ECU - prot turing tap off

ECU - water stopping from fosit

CU - prot drying hands on towel

CU - prot in mirror very faded figure with symbols on face in mirror - tripod

MS - as above from befind

MCU - camera in front of prot unfazed he leaves frame

MCU - tracking - prot leaves bathroom none the wiser - handheld

MS - camera behind port as he walks out

MS - camera in front of the bathroom door as he walks out

MS - camera above door as prot walks out

MS - prot walking dazed though corridor camera in front

SFX - of phone ringing

CU - pocket of prot

MS - prot pulls phone out

MS - dialogue between prot and man on phone inquiring about how prot is settling in new house - camera moves around face to get all angels ends in a on a ECU of phone being ended

CP - prot puts phone back in pocket

MLS - tacking shot walking towards the dressing room

12.MS - prot walking into dressing room - handheld

MS - camera in dressing room as he walks in

MS - camera behind prot as he walks in dressing room - walks out of camera view

13.CP - facial expression of prot - tripod

14.MS - prot and figure in mirror - overs shoulder

15.MS - tracking - prot runs out house screaming - handheld

ECU - door handle opening -for use in flash

MS - door swings open prot runs out

LS - prot runs down the road towards the camera

16.Drone - prot running up the road - drone in behind of prot

CU - of prot face to show his shock and horror


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